Day: June 10, 2024

Kalteng in A Week: Export Volume on April 2024 Rises 1.52 percent

Statistics Indonesia of Central Kalimantan recorded Province’s export volume on April 2024 rose about 1.52 percent compared to March 2024. Nevertheless, export value fell for 0.74 percent. The main export commodities for April 2024 included coal, palm oil, zirconium, niobium, and tantalum ores. (Further reading). Central Kalimantan Province successfully controlled inflation rate at 2.72 percent …

Kalteng in A Week: Export Volume on April 2024 Rises 1.52 percent Read More »

Kalteng Sepekan: Volume Ekspor April 2024 Naik 1,52 Persen

Badan Pusat Statistik Kalimantan Tengah mencatat volume ekspor Kalimantan Tengah pada April 2024 mengalami kenaikan sekitar 1,52 persen dibanding bulan Maret 2024. Namun demikian, secara nilai, ekspor mengalami penurunan sekitar 0,74 persen. Komoditas ekspor utama Kalteng selama April 2024 adalah batu bara, minyak kelapa sawit, bijih zirconium, niobium, dan tantalum. (Berita selengkapnya). Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah …

Kalteng Sepekan: Volume Ekspor April 2024 Naik 1,52 Persen Read More »