Statistics Indonesia of Central Kalimantan recorded Province’s export volume on April 2024 rose about 1.52 percent compared to March 2024. Nevertheless, export value fell for 0.74 percent. The main export commodities for April 2024 included coal, palm oil, zirconium, niobium, and tantalum ores. (Further reading).
Central Kalimantan Province successfully controlled inflation rate at 2.72 percent (y-o-y) on May 2024, which was lower compared to national rate of 2.84 percent (y-o-y). “It is our shared commitment. Some measures are carried out consistently under the directives of Governor Sugianto Sabran, like bazaar, subsidized market, social aid, chili planting movement, and urban farming,” said Secretary of Central Kalimantan Province, Nuryakin. (Further reading).
Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy declared Central Kalimantan Province as the best in Indonesia Tourism Marketing Appreciation (APPI) at province level for the period of May 2024. With more than 10 thousand viewers, Disbudpar Kalteng outperformed other provinces, like Bangka Belitung, even DKI Jakarta, East Java, and West Java. (Further reading).
Head of Revenue Agency of Pulang Pisau Regency, Zulkadri, said that tax on ground water commenced officially to be collected as of this year with target of 7 billion rupiah. Any individual or business actor that consumed ground water for commercial or trade purposes was obliged to pay the tax. For example, car and motor wash business owners whose operational used water from drilled wells. (Further reading).
The progress of electricity distribution to rural areas in Barito Utara Regency up to this year was 91.35 percent. The regency government, through electricity for villages program that outreached villages in nine sub-districts cooperated with PLN to accelerate interconnection of electricity. “The regency government is ready to support land acquisition, land and bridge construction, and any other necessary to distribute electricity across the area of Barito Utara,” said acting Regent of Barito Utara, Muhlis. (Further reading).